We just had our
first IC Feminists meeting and it was
SWEET! Thanks to everyone who turned out, brought a friend and helped spread the word.
We started out with some introductions and information about upcoming events, such as:
The Student Organization Fair on Wednesday, September 3 from 10:00 am - 3 pm in Emerson Suites. The Student Organization Fair is hosted by the Center for Student Leadership and Involvement. Come check out the different groups we have on campus, and naturally, don't forget to stop by the IC Feminists
table and say hi!
The BOLD Red Tent, Birth Choices Ithaca, and The Birth Fair sponsored by BirthNet of the Finger Lakes. This event takes place on Saturday, September 6th from 11 am - 3pm at the Women's Community Building (100 West Seneca St.). Email us at icfeminists@gmail.com if you're interested in carpooling, need directions or just need some more info!
We continued on in the meeting with an ice breaker, where we all took off our shoes and shared some similarities and differences. At the end of the meeting we broke into groups and had some great discussions!
Join us next Tuesday at 8 pm in Friends 207! Come with ideas for activities and programs you'd like to see this semester!